
The 3 Pillars of Successful Remote Application Development

Build a modern foundation that supports and scales your remote application development needs

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 This webinar is sponsored by Datavail.

Application development is already challenging in the best of times, so how can you handle it when your entire development team is suddenly working from home? According to a Gartner survey, 88 percent of companies have encouraged or required employees to work from home since March 2020.

Unfortunately, this has set too many AppDev teams adrift, unprepared for the new normal of telecommuting. Some businesses have adopted stopgap solutions that aren’t sustainable in the long run, while others are feeling the pinch of tightened budgets and stressed employees. If you’ve got challenges here too, we can help.

Join CMSWire and Datavail, an organization founded in workplace best practices, for this live, hour-long webinar where we'll discuss the three essential factors that separate the high achieving remote application development teams from those struggling to adapt.


Thursday, October 22 at 10am PT/ 1pm ET/ 5pm GMT

This webinar will cover:

  • How to get your team back to appdev best practices, no matter where they are located
  • How to use DevOps to keep everyone connected and organized
  • Essential technologies and processes that fuel agile appdev

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