The Digital & Marketing Asset Management Evaluation Report

An excerpt of comprehensive product evaluations featuring North Plains Telescope

DAM Evaluation Report

Will you pick the right DAM vendor?

The DAM lifecycle continues to expand horizontally; the concept of DAM is no longer limited to the notion of managing finalized assets. With many DAM and MAM vendors expanding their product and functional portfolios through partnerships, acquisitions and organic growth, there is a parallel diminishing quality of vendor customer support and professional services.

The Digital and Media Asset Management Report shows detailed evaluations, market analyses, head-to-head comparative charts and real-life scenarios that are designed to help you make the right technology and business decisions for your enterprise's needs.

Inside this excerpt:

  • Inside scoop that will make you look smart
  • Obtain external validation of your strategy and decisions
  • Receive one-on-one help to solve your thorniest problems

This asset is sponsored by Real Story Group.

Download the excerpt