Lean Content Marketing

How to create content on a budget

Lean Content Marketing

Content is king. It is the fuel for your lead generation and nurturing programs, driving leads through your funnel to become customers.

But getting your content machine up and running is tough, and the idea of regularly creating quality content can make marketers break into a cold sweat. Why? Because many marketers, in both large organizations and small, lack the budget, resources, and time to implement a content strategy that can truly drive leads through all stages of the funnel.

Luckily, by learning to leverage the resources you already have and doing more with less, even marketers with limited resources can start to create the content needed to fuel demand.

Included in this eBook:

  • Crafting the perfect content team
  • Creating a baseline plan
  • Mapping the customer journey to better understand your customers

This asset is sponsored by Marketo.

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