Are You Ready for Mobile Capture?

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before You Make Your Move

Mobile Capture

There is a lot of excitement about mobile capture these days…and for good reason. We live in an age of mobile computing: 58% of American adults use a smartphone, over 40% own a tablet, and mobile computing grew by over 80% just last year alone. Mobile capture – the ability to capture document images and upload them on the fly – is a natural and inevitable outgrowth of the cultural and technological trend toward mobile computing and one that organizations should evaluate seriously before they get left behind.

The time has come to consider ways that mobile capture can benefit your organization. The question is: are you ready?

Included in this white paper:

  • 10 questions to ask before becoming mobile ready
  • How companies are benefitting from going mobile
  • Examples showing how mobile capture is being used

This asset is sponsored by IBM.

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