Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Search

17 vendor assessments to help search managers and information architects choose wisely

GMQ for Enterprise Search

Enterprise search technology relates users' queries to many different kinds of information in order to identify relevant, contextualized information and, in the process, perform light analysis.

In 2013, we saw the Nexus of Forces — social, mobile, cloud and information — affect the information-centric enterprise search market substantially. The abilities to address mobile computing functions through apps, to address the cloud through direct provision and connectors, and to offer meaningful social features have become central to the task of executing and innovating in this area of technology.

The same remains the case in 2014, but we also see an increased drive for contextualization. Organizations are no longer satisfied with a list of search results — they want the single best result.

We continue to see wide variations in delivery models, pricing models and go-to-market strategies. Vendors offer a variety of delivery models, including software for installation on customers' premises, hardware-based appliances, SaaS and installations on the infrastructure of cloud service providers. Vendors must also offer connectors to both traditional and unconventional data sources, both on-premises and in the cloud. 

In the Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Search, Gartner compares 17 vendors to help search managers and information architects make the right choice. Complete the form for access to this essential report.

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