Choosing the Best Tools for Distributed Teams

6 ways to evaluate effectiveness

How to Choose

Tools are the lifeblood of a distributed team. In days long past, “tele”commuting generally meant that a “tele”phone was your connection to the rest of the world.

In 2015, there is a broad spectrum of tools for nearly every need on a distributed team. In fact, the spectrum is broadening so quickly, it’s hard to catch up! Staying up to date on the latest developments on the tools landscape is nearly impossible. Jonathan Bonghi, Chief Marketing Officer of Bolste, has put together a short list to help you determine how to evaluate what tools work best for your distributed team.

Included in this white paper:

  • Assessing tool longevity
  • The importance of security measures
  • Scaling tools to your organizational requirements

This white paper is sponsored by Bolste.

Download the white paper