White Paper: Consolidated ECM is No Pipe Dream

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In recent years, enterprise content management (ECM) has been focused on organizing content into centralized systems, making it far easier for organizations to find information, meet information governance compliance requirements, and/or consolidate business applications to reduce infrastructure costs.

However, achieving a consolidated ECM is not an easy feat. With the growth of dynamic content from sources like ERP, HR, and email, plus the growing number of non-traditional sources like Web and social media, making everything work together is a challenge, but one that can be successfully met with the right system.

This white paper covers:

  • The current state of ECM
  • Working towards consolidated content management
  • Strategies for successful ECM

Read this white paper to help you make a business case for a modern ECM solution that eliminates information silos and delivers real business value.


This report is sponsored by Contentverse

The road to consolidated enterprise content management